Wednesday, 27 January 2010

White's tree frog

Yet another frog! I painted this for my Brother-in law.


This was a painting I did for my Mum this Christmas. Merry Christmas Mum!

Garden frog

This painting took a while! We moved house while I was painting it and was misplaced... I think overall it took 5 months but really was about 15 hours. It was worth it though as it was acepted to be exhibited at NEWA (National Exhibition of Wildlife Art) last year.


I painted for my gorgous Husband!

Ecosystem final painting

I changed the final painting. I kept the life cycles to just the fish and Mayfly, the Kingfisher and Dipper are external elements that influence the cycles.

Ecosystem Visual

This is a visual for an ecosystem project. There are three interlaced life cycles in this illustration. The first is the fish. It starts in the bottom left corner - the eggs, and develops in an anticlockwise circle and ends with the large fish next to the eggs eating the Mayfly larvae. The Mayfly is the second cycle that starts on the left. The eggs and hatchlings are on the rock behind the large fish. The cycle progresses again in and anticlockwise circle moving to the front of the image so more detail can be seen. As the hatchlings develop they swim to the water's surface and grow morph into flys. The cycle is complete as there is a mayfly on the water laying the original eggs. The third is the Kingfisher seen catching a fish and feeding its young in the den.

Rabbit dissection

Dissection always used to be a part of school but it seems not longer so I was quite pleased to be givin the oppotunity at college. That's right I did the dissection myself... I hope that hasn't offended anyone! It's not as bad as you might imagin, I just pretended I was a vet for the day.

Iridescent bug

Always choose something challenging! An iridescent bug is definately getting there. Watercolour and gouache were used.


This was my first oil painting. I used alkyd oils as they're much quicker to dry.

Venus Flytrap

This illustration was created to show the workings of the trap.


This is a behavioural study of Bongos I was asked to do. It was made into an Information board and is now featured Blackpool Zoo.

In the beggining

Welcome to my blog
I will mainly upload pictures of new pieces of my work here
To start it off I'm going to put my early work up
Please let me know what you think
I am currently accepting freelance work
Please get intouch